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Charity Brush Sale

Brush sale for local social projects

In our Charity Brush Sale you can find various brushes for all kinds of applications offered due to overstock or product change. With the proceeds from the sales we support social projects in our region.

All offered brushes are of good quality, availability as long as stock lasts! Please pay attention to the specific article information on existing imprint and packaging.

You are interested in brushes available in our Charity Brush Sale?

Please contact us!

Our latest charity projects


Charity project 2024

Support of local, charitable events for children and adults

Charity project 2022/23

4000 € for refugee children from Ukraine as well as the local charity organisation "Offene Behindertenarbeit"

Charity project 2022

Donation for medical equipment: pulseoximeter to measure the oxygen content in the blood

Charity project 2021:

7.000€ for Kindergarten St. Katherina and Community foundation

Charity project 2020:

Support for local social institutions in Bechhofen 5000€

Charity project 2019

Support of the Landesgartenschau in Wassertrüdingen with 7500€

Charity project 2018

Donation for Kindergarten St. Johannis Bechhofen

Charity project 2016

Elementary school Bechhofen: 5.000€ for site trailer project

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